Ahl al-Sunnah refers to the group that believes and lives according to the teachings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The Messenger of Allah [sallallahu alayhi wa sallam] said: “My nation will split into seventy-three groups; all of them will be in Hell except one.” They asked, “O Messenger of Allah, which group will be saved?” He [sallallahu alayhi wa sallam] replied, “Those who follow my path and the path of my companions.”
This saved group is called "Fırqa-i Najiyah" (the Saved Group). Another name for this group is the "Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jama'ah" group. All true sects and paths of good manner fall under this group. Since they are all based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah, finally they are same. They are like the branches of a tree or the fingers of a hand, all connected to the same source, supporting and completing one another.
T he circle of Ahl al-Sunnah is wide; it is wrong to show it as the path of only one sect, one disposition or one idea. The Messenger of Allah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] said that salvation in terms of belief, worship, morality, and lifestyle lies in following and practicing Islam as a collective group. The point where all true sects meet in belief and amaal (deeds- actions), is the point drawn by the Quran and the Sunnah. The aim of these sects is not personal gain or political benefit. All their efforts are focused on understanding, telling, and living according to the will of Allah Almighty and His Messenger [sallallahu alayhi wa sallam]. When listing the true sects, the " Salafiyyah " sect is mentioned first.
" Salaf " means the ancestor, the earlier generation, or the great figures of the past. The term " Salaf " generally means to the first generation who followed the Prophet [sallallahu alayhi wa sallam] in the best way and those who followed them with goodness. The righteous ones who came before us and followed the truth are also called "Salaf."
The Salaf jama’ah is the belief system of Muslims before the emergence of doctrinal sects. The Salaf jama’ah is the creed of Muslims before the rise of theological sects (Maturidi and Ash’ari). In other words, it is the creed of the Ashab-i Kiram and the generation of the Tabi’un. The main idea of this sect is to accept the information provided by verses ( ayah ) and hadiths exactly as they are, without explaining them using reason. In general, the Hanbalis have adopted the Salaf's view in matters of aqaid. Later, two true sects in the field of creed appeared between Muslims. These are the Maturidiyyah and Ash'ariyyah sects. The founder of the Maturidiyyah sect is Imam Maturidi [rahmatullahi alayh]. His full name is Muhammad ibn Muhammad.
His title is Abu Mansur, and he is commonly known as Abu Mansur Maturidi. He was born in the village of Maturid in Samarkand in the year hijri (AH), 238 gregorian (CE) 852. He is called "Maturidi" in reference to his birthplace. He passed away in Samarkand in hijri (AH) 333 and gregorian (CE) 944.
The imam of the Ash'ariyyah sect is Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari. His full name is Ali ibn Ismail, and he was born in Basra in 260 AH (hijri) / 873 CE ( gregorian).
His lineage traces back to the Ashab- i Kiram Hz. Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, and he is called "Ash'ari" in reference to him. He passed away in Baghdad in 324 AH (936 CE). Since he followed the Shafi'i sect in practice, his theological views were mainly adopted and spread among the Shafi'is. The Malikis also adopted this sect in matters of aqaid. The Maturidis and Ash'aris have very few differences in their views.
The Salafiyyah, Maturidiyyah, and Ash'ariyyah sects represent the Ahl al-Sunnah belief. In addition to these, many other theological views and sects have occured. The most notable among them are the Kharijites, Shia, Mu'tazilah, Murji'ah, Jabriyyah, and Mushabbihah groups. These groups have many sections. They do not represent Ahl al-Sunnah and they have errors and views outside the true path. That is why they are called bid’ah "people of innovation," but they are not unbelievers.
Today, many spoiled ideas, philosophies, movements, and groups promise happiness under modern names. These are wrong paths that the Satan makes seem beautiful and soul finds pleasing. No path without the Prophet of Mercy, Hz. Muhammad [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] at its head leads to Allah Almighty, does not lead to Paradise, and does not give eternal happiness.