A miracle is an extraordinary event created by Allah [Jalla Jalaluhu], to show the truthfulness of the prophet He has sent, and it is something that people cannot imitate because of its unique qualities. A miracle is something unusual that people do not see every day, and it is something they cannot copy. A miracle is about things that were important to people at the time of the prophets. For example, in the time of Prophet Musa [alayhissalam], people cared about magic, so Prophet Musa [alayhissalam], showed miracles similar to it.
Prophet Musa [alayhissalam], was given miracles like his stick turning into a snake (Taha 17-21), his hand becoming bright white when he put it in his clothes and took it out (Taha 22; An-Naml 12; Al-Qasas 32), his stick eating the ropes and sticks of the magicians in Pharaoh’s (Fir’awun) court (Taha 65-70), and the sea splitting when he hit it with his stick so the Banu Israil ( Children of Israel) could cross. When Pharaoh (Firavun) and his army followed, the sea closed and they drowned (Ash-Shu'ara 61-66). These miracles showed that magic, which was popular at the time, was just tricks and not real.
In the time of Prophet Isa [alayhissalam], medicine was very important, so the miracles given to him were related to this field. An example of this is Prophet Isa [alayhissalam], with Allah’s permission, making a bird from clay and blowing into it, so it became a living bird and flew. He also brought the dead back to life and healed those who were born blind and people with leprosy. (Ma'idah 110)
It should be remembered that prophets never prepare or work in advance to show miracles. The true owner of the miracle is Allah [Jalla Jalaluhu].
There are two main features of a miracle. The first is that a miracle is a divine act and happens only through prophets. Therefore, extraordinary events shown by ordinary people are not called miracles. The second is that a miracle occurs after a prophet's claim of prophethood and challenge to others.
Apart from what we mentioned above, the Qur’an also talks about other miracles given to the prophets:
Prophet Salih [alayhissalam], brought a camel as a miracle at the request of the Thamud (Semud) people. However, the Thamud people disobeyed and killed the camel. Because of their wrongdoing, Allah [Jalla Jalaluhu] destroyed them with a great earthquake. (Ash-Shu'ara 156-157, Al-A'raf 73-79)
Prophet Ibrahim [alayhissalam], was thrown into a fire by Nimrod (Nemrud), but the fire obeyed Allah’s command, “O fire, be cool and safe for Ibrahim,” and did not burn him. (Al-Anbiya 58-69)
Prophet Yaqub [alayhissalam] regained his clear eyesight when he placed the shirt of his son Joseph on his blind eyes. (Yusuf 92-96)
Prophet Isa [alayhissalam] brought down a table of food from heaven at the request of his apostles. (Ma'idah 114 -115)
Prophet Muhammad [sallallahu alayhi wa sallam] was also given many miracles. The greatest miracle given to him is the Qur’an al- Karim. The Qur’an has a beautiful style that no one can copy. It is the word of Allah (kalamullah) and brings healing to hearts when it is recited. The Qur’an has been preserved as it was revealed and will remain unchanged until the Day of Judgment.
Allah [Jalla Jalaluhu] states this in the Qur’an: “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an, and indeed, We will be its guardian.” (Al-Hijr 9)
One of the miracles given to Prophet Muhammad Mustafa [sallallahu alayhi wa sallam] is the event of Isra and Mi'raj. About a year and a half before Prophet [sallallahu alayhi wa sallam] migrated from Mecca to Medina, he was taken by his Lord as a miracle from Mecca to Jerusalem and then raised to the heavens (Mi'raj). There, he met all the prophets, witnessed Paradise and Hell, and spoke with his Lord (see Al-Isra 1, An-Najm 1-18).
Prophet Muhammad [sallallahu alayhi wa sallam] had many other miracles. He told about the future victory of Istanbul, the moon split in two in front of his companions, water flowed from His fingers during times of great thirst, food became more with His prayer, and even a stone spoke to Him. All the miracles of other prophets also happened with Him.