In the holy verses and sayings of the Prophet, many scary events of the Day of Judgment are explained.
These reports tell that on that day, the skies will split open, stars will break apart and scatter, the bright shining stars will go dark, the sun will be folded and thrown away, mountains will be moved, and the seas will turn into fire.
“O mankind, fear your Lord. Indeed the quake of the (destined) Hour is something terrible. The day you will see it, every suckling female will forget that which she suckles, and every female having pregnancy shall abort her fetus, and you will see people as if they are drunk, while they are not drunk, but Allah’s torment is (so) severe.” (Al-Hajj 1-2)
As mentioned in the section on the signs of the Qiyamah, there will be big earthquakes during its occurrence. The smaller earthquakes that occur before these big ones are considered warnings of the enormous earthquakes to come. In the Qur'an, there is even a chapter that directly describes the earthquake that will occur during the Day of Judgment. This chapter, called " Zilzal ," meaning "Earthquakes," states in summary:
“When the earth will be trembled with its quake, and the earth will bring forth its burdens, and man will say, ‘What has happened to it?’ That day it will describe all its happenings, because its Lord will have so commanded it.” (Zilzal 1-5)
During the breaking of the Day of Judgment, the amazing order and system of the universe will come to an end, and an entirely different and frightening state will occur.
“- the Day when We roll up the sky like a scroll rolls up the writings. Just as We originated the first creation, so We shall bring it back again - a promise (undertaken to be binding) on Us. We are sure to do it.” (Al-Anbiya 104)
The following verses also present scenes from the moment of the Day of Judgment:
“When the sky is split open, when the stars are scattered, when the seas overflow, when the contents of the graves are brought out—then every soul will know what it has done and what it left undone.” (Al-Infitar 1-5)
“The Striking Event! What is the Striking Event? And what may let you know what the Striking Event is? (It will happen) on a day when people will be like scattered moths, and the mountains will be like carded wool.” (Al-Qariah 1-5)
With the breaking of the Day of Judgment, everything except the Almighty Allah will perish. This truth is expressed in the following verses:
“Every one who is on it (the earth) has to perish. And your Lord’s Countenance (Presence) will remain, full of majesty, full of honour.” (Ar-Rahman 26-27; see also Al-Qasas 88)
On the Day of Judgment, no one will benefit anyone else. On that day, authority and order belong only to Allah.
The Day of Judgment will begin with the blowing of a trumpet, known as the " Sur ," whose nature is known only to Allah. This will be done by the angel Israfil, by Allah's command. The universe's order will collapse, all living beings will die, and everything except Allah will cease to exist.
The following verses describe the first blowing of the trumpet and the moment of the Day of Judgment:
“And Horn (Sur ) will be blown, and all those in the heavens and all those in the earth will faint, except the one whom Allah wills (otherwise). Thereafter, it will be blown once again, and suddenly they will stand up, looking around.” (Az-Zumar 68)
The first blowing of the trumpet marks the end of the signs of the Day of Judgment and the beginning of the afterlife. Regarding the first blowing of the trumpet, it is stated in other verses:
“For when the trumpet will be blown, that day will be a difficult day, not easy for the disbelievers.” (Al-Muddathir 8-10)
“And they say, ‘When will this promise come true, if you are truthful?’ They are looking for nothing but for a single Cry that will seize them when they will be quarrelling. So they will not be able to make a bequest, nor will they return to their household. And the Horn will be blown, and suddenly they will be rushing from their graves towards their Lord.” (Ya-Sin 48-52)
All creatures will remain in the Barzakh realm for forty years after the first blowing of the trumpet. Then Allah [the Exalted] will resurrect Israfil and command him to blow the trumpet a second time.
“…Then it will be blown again, and suddenly they will be standing, looking around!” (Az-Zumar 68)
The name of the 75th chapter of the Qur'an is " Al-Qiyamah ". In the first fifteen verses of this chapter, it is explained that Almighty Allah will bring the dead back to life, even if their bodies have decayed into dust, down to the finest details. It also describes the changes that will occur in the universe when the Day of Judgment arrives and declares that there will be no place to escape on that day. Some of the related verses state:
“Does man think that We will never reassemble his bones? Why (can We) not (do so), while We are able to reset (even) his fingertips perfectly? But man wishes to go on violating Allah’s injunctions (even in future) ahead of him. He asks, ‘When will be this Day of Resurrection?’ So, when the eyes will be dazzled, and the moon will lose its light, and the sun and the moon will be joined together, on that day man will say, ‘Where to escape?’ Never! There will be no refuge at all. On that day, towards your Lord will be the destination (of everyone.)” (Al-Qiyamah 3-12)
“So by your Lord, We will surely gather them (those who deny resurrection) together with the devils, and then We will bring them, kneeling, around Hell.” (Maryam 68)
By Allah’s command, when the angel Israfil [peace be upon him] blows the "Trumpet" ( Sur ) for the second time, all humans will be resurrected. This resurrection will occur as souls are reunited with their bodies. The Qur'an also informs about this second blowing of the trumpet with the following words:
“Then it will be blown again, and suddenly they will be standing, waiting.” (Az-Zumar 68)
The term " Hashr " refers to the gathering of all creatures on the Day of Judgment. After the second blowing of the trumpet, all humans, jinn, and other beings will be resurrected and brought together in the presence of Allah for accountability. This gathering is a central event of the Hereafter and is mentioned in several places in the Qur'an and Hadith.
Just as we believe with certainty that Allah [the Exalted] is our Creator, we must also believe with the same certainty that we will be gathered in His presence.
However, some people, who cannot deny death because they see it with their own eyes, cannot comprehend resurrection after death and believe that death is simply turning to dust and ultimately destruction. To such people, the Qur'an responds as follows:
And he makes comparisons for Us, and forgets his own (origin and) Creation: He says “Who can give life to (dry) bones and decomposed ones (at that)?”
“Say, ‘He will give them life Who created them for the first time! For He is Well-versed in every kind of creation!” (Surah Yasin 78-79)
Then contemplate ( O man!) the memorials of Allah Almighty. How He gives life to the earth after its death: verily the same will give life to the men who are dead: for He has power over all things.
“Indeed, whether you die or are killed, you will surely be gathered before Allah.” (Surah Ali Imran 158)
“On the Day when the earth will burst apart exposing them, while they will be hurrying up (to come out). That is an assembly, so easy for Us (to muster).” (Qaf 44)
The state of gathering (Hashr) will be very hard and difficult. Humans, angels, jinn, and all animals will be gathered together. Everyone will focus on their own problems, and no one will care about others. Here, the right and wrong will be separated. Those who were wronged or oppressed in the world will take their rights from those who did injustice to them.
“So when the Deafening Noise will occur, the Day when one will flee from his brother, and from his mother and father, and from his wife and sons, every one of them will be too engaged in his own affairs to care for others. Many faces, on that day, will be bright, laughing, rejoicing, and many faces, on that day, will be stained with dust, covered by darkness. Those are the disbelievers, the nefarious.” (‘Abasa 33-42)